Collective Loneliness

Architecture can learn from Crass, the British punk band. Their music can be seen as the auditory component of a churning, recursive Gesamtkunstwerk of propaganda. Punks anywhere could join this revolutionary movement by simply adorning their jackets with Crass heraldry, thus making the movement if not real, then at least less fictional.
If architectural representations are the fiction that enables the construction of the built environment, how can representations (of a place I care about and wish to see thrive) imbue the same provocative, generative, infectious quality to be found in art propaganda / propaganda art? How can a compelling fiction be created that will stimulate feelings of local pride in a place on the other side of the world, through just drawings?
A person holds up a striking poster showing the island of Sagishima
Text and images © Bryan Ortega Welch
This project was conducted as part of The Project and the Territory, an autumn 2020 seminar at the Harvard GSD. Please click here to read more about this seminar and see other projects.