Collective Loneliness

Preparations for past Olympic games have pushed the environment of Tokyo further and further away from engaging with its waterfront. The city used to rely heavily on water transportation and fishing for its prosperity. Waterfronts were areas with thriving markets, bustling shops, and all kinds of activities.
The 2020 Olympic facilities promised to offer an active experience, one that would bring people closer to the environment and focus more on sustainable development. As the eyes of the world focus on Tokyo for the Olympics (now in 2021), the event may still act as a catalyst for waterfront developments, helping architects and planners to rediscover the power of water in changing the urban environment. Hopefully, one day in the near future, Tokyoites will be as proud of their city’s waterways as the residents of Edo were of theirs.
Infrastructure and greenery are juxtaposed along Tokyo’s Odaiba waterfront
Alternative urban design configurations could open up access to the water
Text and images © Qin Ye Chen
This project was conducted as part of The Project and the Territory, an autumn 2020 seminar at the Harvard GSD. Please click here to read more about this seminar and see other projects.